Leo Orpilla III
19 Aug 2023 | post

Live-reloading Pandoc + Reveal.js

I’ve been using markdown + pandoc + reveal.js to create presentations at work.

Pandoc doesn’t have a live-reload feature so I wrote a small script that watches for changes in the markdown file and recompiles the presentation.


I decided to use fswatch to listen for changes in the markdown file.

fswatch -0 presentation.md | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c "pandoc --to revealjs -s --output presentation.html {}"
  • fswatch -0 watches for changes in the markdown file and outputs the name of the file that changed followed by the null character.
  • xargs -0 reads null-terminated lines from stdin.
  • xargs -I {} replaces {} in the following command with the input.
  • pandoc --to revealjs -s --output presentation.html {} compiles the markdown file to reveal.js.

This gets us compile-on-save, but we still need to refresh the browser to see the changes.


We can extend the script to start a websocket server that sends a message to the browser when the markdown file changes.

I used websocat to start the websocket server from the command line.

fswatch -0 presentation.md | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c "pandoc --to revealjs -s --output presentation.html {} && echo reload" | websocat -s 56789
  • echo reload is sent to stdout after the markdown file is compiled.
  • websocat -s 56789 starts a websocket server on port 56789.

The echo message is piped to websocat.


Pandoc supports YAML frontmatter in markdown files. The header-includes field can be used to include arbitrary HTML in the <head> tag of the generated HTML.

title: My presentation
header-includes: |
    function connect() {
      const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:56789");
      ws.onopen = () => setTimeout(() => ws.send("keepalive"), 30000);
      ws.onclose = () => setTimeout(connect, 1000);
      ws.onmessage = () => location.reload();

This script connects to the websocket server and reloads the page when it receives any message. A keepalive message is sent every 30 seconds to keep the connection alive. When the connection is closed, the script tries to reconnect every second.

This is a really cursed hack but it got me up and running with the tools I already had.

Last modified 2023-08-19