Leo Orpilla III
14 Aug 2020 | post

Factoring APIs in servant-client

I am currently writing a Haskell client library for the Up Bank API with servant-client.

Endpoints require an Authentication request header with the format Authorization: TOKEN_TYPE Token

With servant, we can represent this with the Header combinator and add it to every endpoint. For example, the type of an API is as follows.

type API = 
       Header "Authorization" String :> Capture "x" Int :> Get '[JSON] X
  :<|> Header "Authorization" String :> Capture "y" Int :> Get '[JSON] Y

We can factor out the Headers, similar to factoring in algebra f g + f h = f (g + h)

type FactoredAPI =  Header "Authorization" String :>
  (    Capture "x" Int :> Get '[JSON] X
  :<|> Capture "y" Int :> Get '[JSON] Y


servant-client provides the function client which automagically generates implementations and allows us to pattern match on the client functions of the API.

An implementation of the unfactored client API is as follows.

getX :: Maybe String  -- ^ token
     -> Int           -- ^ x
     -> ClientM X

getY :: Maybe String  -- ^ token
     -> Int           -- ^ y
     -> ClientM Y
api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy
getX :<|> getY = client api

Let’s look at the type of the unfactored client API. It returns two client functions combined with :<|>.

ghci> :t client (Proxy :: Proxy API)
client (Proxy :: Proxy FactoredAPI)
  :: (Maybe [Char] -> Int -> ClientM X)
        :<|> (Maybe [Char] -> Int -> ClientM Y)

Whereas the client of the factored API returns a function that takes a token and returns two client functions.

ghci> :t client (Proxy :: Proxy FactoredAPI)
client (Proxy :: Proxy FactoredAPI)
  :: Maybe [Char]
     -> (Int -> ClientM X)
        :<|> (Int -> ClientM Y)

An implementation of the factored API is then

getX' :: Int  -- ^ x
      -> ClientM X

getY' :: Int  -- ^ y
      -> ClientM Y
api' :: Proxy FactoredAPI
api' = Proxy
getX' :<|> getY' = client api' token
  where token :: Maybe String

As expected, client api' token will return two client functions.