Leo Orpilla III
06 Aug 2023 | idea

An OpenTelemetry receiver for Elastic APM


An experimental OpenTelemetry receiver can be found at https://github.com/ldgrp/elasticapmreceiver.

Elastic APM is an enterprise observability solution that supports tracing, metrics, and logs. Typically, users can configure Elastic APM Agents to instrument, collect, and send telemetry data to Elastic APM Server.

OpenTelemetry is a vendor-neutral collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools for creating, collecting, and managing telemetry data. Elastic APM Server is capable of receiving data both from native Elastic APM Agents, and anything that sends data in OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format.

However, there is no way for existing applications instrumented with Elastic APM Agents to send data to other backends. This makes experimenting and evaluating other observability solutions difficult.

An OpenTelemetry receiver can be used to mimic the intake API of Elastic APM Server. This allows existing applications to send data to an OpenTelemetry Collector, which will transform the data into OpenTelemetry Span data, and send it to any backend.

Last modified 2023-08-07